Friday, March 12, 2010

Wanted: Your Innovative Education Ideas

The Iowa Journal is working on a program about innovation in education.
What exactly does this mean?

That's what I'm asking you.

Give me your school's innovation in 100 words or less. Leave the response in the comments section below. Sorry, Iowa schools only.

What does innovations in education look like?

What new and different things are you doing at your school that is working in getting you to learn more, teach better, reach higher and improve yourself or your school? Is it all on technology? Does your innovation go beyond a new computer but real self-created content?

If you want to bring some life to it, make a 60 seconds or less video. You can post that to our Iowa Journal Flickr page. Your video will get cut at :60.

If you want to just talk to your webcam, great. If you want produce a video telling us what innovations you're doing at your school, show us.

We may use some of the entries in our story about innovation and would love to show as many Iowa innovations that are out there. That feature runs March 25th on Iowa Public Television at 8p. Entry deadline is March 21 at 6p CDT.

The videos will be on our Iowa Journal Flickr Page.

We'll also post the comments on our Iowa Journal home page on

Show us your innovations and we'll show the rest of the state on The Iowa Journal on March 25th at 8p.