Monday, April 12, 2010

Still hanging out at Wordpress

Sorry, Blogspot, but I've been spending a lot of time at Wordpress. I'll still keep this site operational for searches as I did not move everything over to WP.

We're talking about Iowa's big issues, Levi and Noah surviving with Mom in Brazil and The Netherlands while on business, innovations in education among other things.

Check us out at
or click here.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Wanted: Your Innovative Education Ideas

The Iowa Journal is working on a program about innovation in education.
What exactly does this mean?

That's what I'm asking you.

Give me your school's innovation in 100 words or less. Leave the response in the comments section below. Sorry, Iowa schools only.

What does innovations in education look like?

What new and different things are you doing at your school that is working in getting you to learn more, teach better, reach higher and improve yourself or your school? Is it all on technology? Does your innovation go beyond a new computer but real self-created content?

If you want to bring some life to it, make a 60 seconds or less video. You can post that to our Iowa Journal Flickr page. Your video will get cut at :60.

If you want to just talk to your webcam, great. If you want produce a video telling us what innovations you're doing at your school, show us.

We may use some of the entries in our story about innovation and would love to show as many Iowa innovations that are out there. That feature runs March 25th on Iowa Public Television at 8p. Entry deadline is March 21 at 6p CDT.

The videos will be on our Iowa Journal Flickr Page.

We'll also post the comments on our Iowa Journal home page on

Show us your innovations and we'll show the rest of the state on The Iowa Journal on March 25th at 8p.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Flood potential in Iowa

All of this snow has to go somewhere, right?
Or does it?

What is our flood potential for a top 10 record snow fall and its eventual melt?
There are a lot questions surrounding the snow fall of 2009-10.
The big question for this week's Iowa Journal is what is our flood potential for the rest of this year? Have any changes been made since the flood of 2008?
This is not a welcome topic for those of you in Cedar Rapids, Waverly, Cedar Falls, Mason City, Columbus Junction… need I go on?

The immediate answer to the question is: It depends. It depends how fast of a warm up and melt we have. It depends if we get more rain this spring. It depends if flood prevention measures since 2008 work. Will those new mitigation efforts work? Will more land in wetland protection hold back the water on the land and not end up so quickly into streams, rivers and downtowns?

We've heard the National Weather Service warn that Iowa is at risk for significant flooding this spring. That sounds more positive than what the NWS is saying Fargo, ND where they are dealing with a "keg of dynamite" of flood potential.
I just got back from looking at producer Nancy Crowfoot's piece. You'll see some familiar shots of flooding and snow, but we'll be talking with David Miller, administrator for the Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division with responsibilities for coordinating the State's response to disasters; Kamyar Enshayan, city council member for Cedar Falls, whose town suffered in the 2008 floods, and who helped instigate plans to help safeguard the town during future floods; and Marty Adkins, of the USDA's Natural Resources Conservation Service, whose office has a floodplain easement program to pay some qualified landowners who want to discontinue farming land with chronic flooding.

Our show airs in HD, not quite as pretty as the Olympics, at 8p Thursday, 630p on Friday and 830a on IPTV World on Saturday.
Last week we talked about Unemployed in Iowa. You can learn more about the show and watch it by clicking on this link.
Next week we'll be looking at how getting refugees to Iowa just got a whole lot harder. We'll be featuring a group of Iraqi musicians who are here in the state. On March 4th, we'll look the state of Iowa's Mental Health issue.
Thank you for the time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Moved to Wordpress

"Upon further review, the blog, Public Paul and Media is moving full-time to WordPress."

So, if you are a regular to this site, just change the RSS routing to the following site:


If you want to subscribe via email, you can do so on the front page of: by going to the right side of the page below the search and RSS feed information and right above the Blogroll.

If you would like me add your blog to my blog roll, I'll gladly do that. A couple of you are already there. If you've got a different site you want me to promote, I will do so.

Again, the address of this blog is now:

Thanks again for reading my material. It means a lot.