Friday, May 15, 2009

Health Hikes and Soda Tax

Friday, May 15, 2009
Healthy Hike inspires 16 million minutes of reading and moving!
Kids in every Iowa county joined together to move and read more than 16 million minutes during the month of April as part of Iowa Public Television’s “Healthy Hike” initiative. Dan Wardell, popular host of the IPTV Kids Clubhouse, will help schools celebrate their accomplishments this month.
One elementary school classroom and one library in each county was selected to participate in the competition, with students working to log minutes exercising and minutes reading throughout the month of April. The combined efforts of these 99 communities totaled 16,508,686 minutes of reading and moving.
Every school and library participating in the effort will receive books about exercise for the school and for the library, and a certificate for each student.
The schools that logged the most moving/reading minutes will be treated to a visit from Dan Wardell when they take their celebratory “Healthy Hikes” to their local libraries. Dates and times are yet to be announced. The top ten communities are: 
1st place: Lamoni Community Schools, Lamoni (5,245 average minutes read/moved per student)
2nd place: Southeast Webster-Grand, Dayton (4,150 average minutes read/moved per student)
3rd place: Villisca Elementary School, Villisca (3,592 average minutes read/moved per student)
4th place: Clayton Ridge Elementary, Guttenberg (3,547 average minutes read/moved per student)
5th place: West Sioux Elementary, Hawarden (3,487 average minutes read/moved per student)
6th place: North Tama Elementary, Traer (3,383 average minutes read/moved per student) 
7th place: Prince of Peace, Clinton (3,230 average minutes read/moved per student) 
8th place: St. Rose of Lima, Denison (3,163 average minutes read/moved per student)
9th place: South Winn Elementary, Ossian (3,149 average minutes read/moved per student)
10th place: Marnie Simons Elementary, Hamburg (3,142 average minutes read/moved per student)

Students in these top 10 classrooms will each receive a Healthy Hike jump rope, in addition to their certificates.

Chariton and Columbus Junction will also receive visits from Dan Wardell to recognize their outstanding commitment to the effort through community partnerships.
Programming Highlights Next Week
Tonight at 7:30, Iowa Press features an interview with State Sen. Mike Gronstal (D-Council Bluffs), discussing the work of the recently completed 2009 legislative session. The program will be rebroadcast Sunday at 11:30 a.m., and will also be available at
Tonight at 8, Market to Market will explore a "soda tax" being considered by the Senate to help pay for an overhaul of the nation's health care system, and the USDA's monthly supply and demand estimates that have revealed reduced stockpiles of major grain and oilseeds. The program will be rebroadcast Sunday at noon and will also be available at
Sewing with Nancy, Saturday at 3:30 p.m., gives tips on sweatshirt appliqués for kids. 
Be more amazed on Nature Sunday at 7 p.m. This all-new episode takes viewers to the largest waterfall in the world – Victoria Falls. 
On Monday at 8 p.m., Kennedys: American Experience tells the family’s story of ambition, family loyalty, and personal tragedy. The film is updated with information about Sen. Ted Kennedy’s battle with cancer. 
Tuesday at 9 p.m., Frontline: Inside the Meltdown investigates the causes of the worst economic crisis in 70 years, and how the government responded.

Then at 10 p.m., on IPTV World, Intelligent Talk Television: Understanding the Economic Meltdown features a lecture by James Bernard, Jr., general manager of, given in Iowa in September 2008. 
Blueprint America, airing Wednesday at 7 p.m., examines the steps that need to be taken to move our infrastructure systems forward.

Thursday’s The Iowa Journal features a special call-in program addressing Iowa’s economic concerns. Tune in Thursday at 8 p.m., or visit to watch online. 

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