Thursday, June 11, 2009

DTV is finally here

Its finally here.

The digital TV conversion will finally become reality on June 12, 2009. 

Billions have been spent in making the transition from analog to digital TV signals for stations across the country.

Iowa Public Television is a part of this as well. We've hosted town hall meetings across the state, answered phone calls and done several call-in programs about the DTV conversion. 

The facts are out there at several websites that are all linked at

IPTV is shutting off their analog signal at 12:01 AM Friday. That's the earliest you can do that. This gives us a chance to help you during business hours on Friday. We'll have people answering your questions on phone banks on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. 

Other TV stations will be staggering their analog signal shutoff all Friday. KCCI  and WOI will be shutting off their analog signals at the last possible minute at 11:59 PM Friday. 

If you watch on satellite or cable, you are fine. Or if you've already got a digital TV, you're fine. But if you use an antennae to bring in analog TV, you'll need to get a converter box. Even if you've got sat or cable, I would still recommend a converter box just in case your cable signal goes out. That way, you can still get information in what's likely an emergency event.

On a follow up to yesterday's post about Dan Wardell.

Two years ago at the Iowa State Fair, Dan Wardell and Sen. John McCain were in the Varied Industries building at the same time. Dan made his way to the mob of people that was a part of the McCain train. Dan approached McCain who was visible taken aback by a grown man in a yellow cape and a camera with him. I think Dan got a picture with McCain, but you can tell McCain was wondering if this would make the Daily Show or the nightly news. 

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