Monday, October 19, 2009

H1N1 and the Midwest League.

Here's a look at this week's show and the press release sent out for it.
I'll post a bit more on the show later in the week.

October 19, 2009
Jennifer Glover Konfrst, 515-242-3146

H1N1, Professional Baseball:
On the Thursday, October 22 edition
of The Iowa Journal

(Johnston, Iowa) –Thursday’s episode of The Iowa Journal will focus on the H1N1 flu and take a look at Iowa’s professional baseball teams. This program airs Thursday, October 22 at 8 p.m. It will be rebroadcast Friday, October 23 at 6:30 p.m. on IPTV and Saturday, October 24 at 8:30 a.m. on IPTV WORLD. It will also be available online at
School districts across the state are reporting a greater-than-normal number of sick children. Medical clinics are seeing a growing number of patients with influenza symptoms. Given that flu season is just beginning, The Iowa Journal explores how government, business, and medical leaders are preparing for and responding to H1N1.
H1N1 is not necessarily more deadly than other flu strains, but because the virus is new, few people have immunity against it, and more people could get sick. The virus's ability to mutate is also causing concern. Although there's no evidence it will change, the possibility makes for unknowns. Who will be most vulnerable, what will be the severity of the illness, and will vaccines be safe and effective?
Guests for this episode include: Rebecca Curtiss, bureau chief for the Center for Disaster Operations and Response at the Iowa Department of Public Health; Jami Haberl, executive director for Safeguard Iowa Partnership, a statewide disaster management coalition of businesses and government leaders.
This episode will also look at Iowa’s professional baseball teams. Of the six teams in the state, four of them are in the Midwest League, which plays Class A baseball. There are teams in Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Clinton and Burlington. The Iowa Journal will explore the set up of these teams and how they create the baseball experience for their fans.
For more information about The Iowa Journal, visit or call (515) 242-3146. For information on how to watch IPTV WORLD in your area, visit
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